Getting Ready for IPL with Lisa Arnold, Zari Robles Medical Esthetician’s and Courtney Delaney R.N. at KO’ANcenter
Stubborn Pigment, who needs it! Well let me enlighten you on another beauty secret called IPL (Intense Pulse Laser) otherwise known as a Photo Facial.
This is a medical laser treatment that targets pigment, reversing the signs of sun damaged skin. We get most of our sun damage in our teens. As we age we lose collagen and our underlying pigment is pushed forward and is more noticeable. Thats why we see spotting. I am sure you have noticed “age spots ” on hands as well.
With IPL Laser treatments we can target that pigment , also products that contain brightening agents and acids work hand in hand controlling pigment and brightening the skin.
I recommend 3 treatments 1 month apart for optimal results.
This is me! On the left 2 days post TX, Right: 7 days post TX The results are amazing!
For a complete consultation please call KO’AN Center at (310)315-3022 or E-Mail me at Larnold@koancenter.com